

 " It had been from the beginning, and so, till the end "All the world is but an eye, that watches, never bends." I am part of this world, with hopes, yet no act to reach. I am but a Watcher, and I will always be this. " +ARANA+ // Stygian Tattoo - Can be purchased at eBODy Reborn Event . BOM Layers: Fresh -Tintable Fade -Tintable Worn Out -Tintable 3D Materials Shines for : -Legacy F/M (all bodies) -eBODY Reborn -Maitreya Lara+ LaraX -Inithium -Khara & Kupra -Belleza GenX -Lelutka EvoX Heads -Maze Mods [ AYO ] // Pentalpha Horns - Can be purchased at  Mainstore . 12 colors of horns ✧Included BOM horns to match your skin ✧ 9 metals for chains & pentagram ✧Hide/Show pentagram option ✧Unrigged Horns Faded tint : Full Black | Black/Silver| Black/Gold | Black/Pink Full White Full Red Full Pink Tan/White | Tan/Pink | Tan/Black | Tan/Red | Tan/Gold Guilty // Seth Pants - Currently available at MANHOOD Event. High quality original mesh design. Fitted...

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 " Not everyone from this younger generation generally stands up or fights, maybe because we're all isolated and have similar minds. But unable to read. For we've never learned. " Vezzo Ink Tattoo  // Hawaiian - Can be purchased at MANCAVE event. 2 Design Options - Full Body/Short 4 opacity options 25%/50%/75%/100%. BOM only!! Compatible with: Lelutka EvoX, AK ADVX (AKERUKA ADVX), GA.EG BoMGenX, LOGO, CRYPTID heads. Belleza, Signature, Maitreya, Legacy, E-body Reborn, Legacy bodies. TREIZED  // Philip Pants - Currently Available at ALPHA event. ► 100% Original Mesh ► HUD control EXCLUSIVE TEXTURES in FATPACK. 20 colors + 3 color for buckle (ONLY IN FATPACK) ► Belt Included ► Fitted for Legacy (M / Athletic) Gianni - Belleza RAWR!  // Emperor Necklace - Currently Available at  ALPHA  Rigged for Legacy / Jake / Gianni / Kario. With purchase comes a change of colors to HUD. 06 pieces of set with 20 metal and 20 details GEMS colors. RAWR!  // Emp...


 " A mystery only time can find. Her heart was an eternal fire, unyielding to the fiercest storm, a beacon in my darkest seas, and a place I long to call home. "  [* P R O J E C T *]  // Moirai's Greatcoat - Available at Midnight Order event. It's in PBR-only content. Fitted for Legacy & Belleza. FP with HUD and 39 Colors.  RAKE  //  Facial Hair Brage  - Currently available at  Mainstore .  The Brage and Idunn hair bases each come in 10 tintable colors. Fatpacks and single-color packs are available. The Brage facial hair comes in 6 tintable tones. Fatpack and single-color packs are available. The Brage tattoo comes in left and right versions and fresh, faded, old variants. RAWR!  //  Crown Swallow Gauge XL Earrings  - Currently available at  Mainstore . 2-piece set with hide and show option. Color change HUD 13 color option. Compatible with Swallow Gauge XL Earrings only. 

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 " The inhale is deep and the smoke remains. My lungs are intoxicated and full of stains. Smoking hot or smoking cold. I don’t care for seasons. My cigarettes taste good all year round. " [Westalis]  // Cheng Pants - Can be purchased at the  Mainstore . Fitted for Gianni / Legacy M / Belleza Jake / Kario flat - flex - fit. 06 color HUD with 15 color fatpack option. 03 execlusive print. [Westalis]  // Sungho Sneakers - Can be purchased at the  Mainstore . Fitted for Gianni / Legacy M / Belleza Jake / Kario flat - flex - fit. 06 color HUD 04 bonus colors.. Guilty   // Marino Shirt Luxury - Currently available at ALPHA event. High quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Legacy, Belleza, Signature. 12 shirt colors, 4 button colors. RAKE  //  Ralph  - Introducing the RAKE -Ralph- Facial Hair, which is packed up. The fatpack offers 5 tintable tones. 4 select mini color packs available for single purchase. Can b...


 " Life and death work in a mysterious way. One cannot live without the decay of another, although one must start for one to end. The Alpha and Omega, the worlds amend. " TREIZED  // Killian Shirt   - Currently available at ALPHA event. 100% Original Mesh ► HUD control EXCLUSIVE TEXTURES in FATPACK. ► accessory included Add-on ► Fitted for Legacy (M / Athletic) TREIZED  // Leonard Trousers - Currently available at Mainstore . 100% Original Mesh -HUD with 12 colors for trousers,Metals -2 for skull & 6 for buttons. -Fitted for Legacy M & Ath, soon will be uptdated for others bodies. RAWR!  // Committed Necklace - Currently available at  Mainstore . 05 -piece necklace set hide and show. 20 metals feature color options. Rigged for Legacy - Kario - Gianni - Jake.  RAWR!  // Committed Bracelets - Currently available at  Mainstore . Rigged for Legacy / Jake / Gianni / Kario. With purchase comes to HUD for a change of color...

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 " I always look forward to this time of year. When the first tinge of yellow touches the leaves with the contrast between shade and sunshine. A comparison of opposites where a gentle breeze can chill or relieve one making you appreciate the other once it has gone. Here's to new beginnings. Happy New Year to my friends and family! The best is yet to come... " BREAK  // SKY LANTERN SET - This can be purchased at the  Mainstore .  It features a couple of poses for a photographer. The HUD allows you to adjust the pose and has 6 styles. [Westalis]  // Maestro Jean - Can be purchased at the  Mainstore . Fitted for Gianni / Legacy M / Belleza Jake / Kario flat - flex - fit. 08 color HUD with 04 option. 04 bonus colors.. Guilty   // Tom Luxury - Can be purchased at MAN CAVE Event . High quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Belleza Jake, Signature and Legacy! 12 colors for jacket and shirt, 4 colors for buttons!


 " It could have been nice the resistance he once had — to throw himself out to the beauty of his light that shed her whole body. He once was able to have and stayed there, eyed her the entire time being eaten on the lonesome of the night for he, shading all the blueness, like a requiem for the dreams " Vezzo Ink Tattoo  // Samir - Can be purchased at the  Mainstore . UNISEX Tattoo. 2 Tattoo versions (Shirt sleeves & Long sleeves) 3 opacity BOM options 50%/75%/100% compatible with: Lelutka EvoX, AK ADVX (AKERUKA ADVX), GA.EG BoMGenX, LOGO, CRYPTID heads. Belleza, Gen.X, Signature, Maitreya, Ebody Reborn, Legacy bodies.  RAWR!  // Scorpion Necklaces - Currently available at  Mainstore . Rigged for Legacy / Jake / Gianni / Kario. With purchase comes a change of colors to HUD. 05 pieces of set with 20 metal and 30 details GEMS colors. REINVENT  //  Plush pants  - Currently available at Mainstore . Compatible with: ✔ Belleza Jake ...