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" Could this tomorrow be an era coming or just a moment approaching human and nature, That brings about strange hour. Tomorrow never comes because tomorrow is not moving rather it is at stationary like a spoiled bus parked at the station waiting for travelers to join. Don't move towards tomorrow because it has arrows which portrays the eyebrow sticking above the eye like the sky above the earth. Your today determines your tomorrow that never comes, Tomorrow is an illusion and never existed. " [ GUILTY ] // Graffiti Jacker Luxury - Latest at Man Cave Event release. High quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Legacy, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni. 6 jacket colors, 32 shirt colors, 2 metal colors. [ GUILTY ] // Street Jeans - Fits: Legacy, Aesthetic, Signature Gianni, Belleza Jake, Kario. 8 Single colors and 4 metal colors! which are controled by given HUD. Animosity // 154 Pose Pack - New pose pack release for male at the Men Only Monthly E...