
Showing posts from November, 2021

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 " Could this tomorrow be an era coming or just a moment approaching human and nature, That brings about strange hour. Tomorrow never comes because tomorrow is not moving rather it is at stationary like a spoiled bus parked at the station waiting for travelers to join. Don't move towards tomorrow because it has arrows which portrays the eyebrow sticking above the eye like the sky above the earth. Your today determines your tomorrow that never comes, Tomorrow is an illusion and never existed. " [ GUILTY ] // Graffiti Jacker Luxury - Latest at Man Cave Event release. High quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Legacy, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni. 6 jacket colors, 32 shirt colors, 2 metal colors. [ GUILTY ]  // Street Jeans - Fits: Legacy, Aesthetic, Signature Gianni, Belleza Jake, Kario. 8 Single colors and 4 metal colors! which are controled by given HUD. Animosity // 154 Pose Pack - New pose pack release for male at the Men Only Monthly E...


 " Now I am in your head, your underneath my desire, Please rest your soul on my bed, bounded down to my game, Heed the words I have said, I'll make you go insane.I can't summon any demons, You did, however, summon me, Your act will be judged as treason.... "  AsteroidBox. // Survivor Shirt - Currently availabale at Salvage Station . Shirt come fitted for Maitreya Lara – Maitreya “Flat” – Belleza Freya – Legacy Female – Legacy Male – Belleza Jake {Please note – all female body options have chest sliders disabled, meaning boob sliders will NOT affect the mesh – this is for the effect of wearing rigid armor}. 8 color / pattern options available with Single packs include 8 options for the vest, plus 6 options for the straps, 5 metal options for the metal details and a bloody and clean option for the bandage (which can be worn seperately) Fatpack includes all color / pattern options for the sweater, plus all the other color and design options listed for the shirt Each pu...

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 " Me in a dimension where everything is nothing And nothing is everything Like you and me.. Like catching wind with your hands You felt it Yet you got nothing. They say, Prevention is better than cure But I say, Experience is a better teacher. Let me wait but if it means forever. Then let me wait forever. " REINVENT // Graffiti t-shirt - Available at Man Cave Event . Compatible with: ✔ Belleza Jake ✔ Signature Gianni ✔ Legacy male (original & athletic). Fatpack includes all colors with HUD + Bonus colors & Holographic print. [ GUILTY ] // 041_DENIMAN - "DENIMAN"Jeans fitting with Jake - Belleza - Gianni Signature - Aesthetic Bodies - Legacy Body. Its a must have product for the good eyes. Grabs one yours today at the MainStore. Elite Paris // Canister - New Release for CAKEDAY Event . Just like other product, All of their products are in limited edition.  Normandy // 50Cal.EarRings - New release for Salvage Station Event , These earing are custo...


 " People can try their best to not get bored sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. But anyone can prevent it as long as possible but it all depends on the person, it depends on how they see life. If they see life as fun and love life then your less likely to go through life bored. But if you think life is just a waste of time then they are most likely to probably always be bored so choose what your going to do with your life." [-] NANAO // Yuth Jacket - Yuth Jacket are rigged for the following bodies :- Gianni (Signature) - Legacy M - Jake (Belleza) Available in 2 Set ( Black and White Colors )12 differents colors. Controable with given HUD. [-] NANAO // Melty Horns - Melty Horns are UNISEX! Fit all Mesh head ( Girls and Boys!) 8 differents colors available. These horns are Copy+Modify, you can wear it and modify it as you wish. Colors availables :- Black Degraded Black - Black Degraded White - Black Degraded Candy - Black Degraded Fushia - Black Degraded Purple - ...

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 " Love ones bid forever goodbyes, Had to let go of things. Never ending stress and anxieties... nightmare after nightmares.. Hell no you can't make it they said. But here I am... Hell yeah still fighting. It's has been a hell of a ride. " [AiiZawa] // M.S.U Armor Set 2.0 - Awesome armor suit can be purchased in the Mainstore . The armor set comes with the following items: ➧ Bodysuit; ➧ Armor; ➧ Boots; ➧ Jetpack. ... The entire set is compatible with Legacy (Meshbody) and Jake (Belleza) bodies. [AiiZawa] // R.C.V.M - Currently avialable at Necrotize Event . The outfir is for ladies but the sword can be used as UNISEX. The fatpack contains: ➧ Robe (Dress); ➧ Boots, plates and sleeve; ➧ Bodysuit allien; But in this blog i am holding this  Dual sword - Katar (It has two arm animations and an interactive hud for changing the color of effects). Normandy // Processing Chamber - Currently available at Tokyo Zero Event . Amazing backdrop comes with 2 option, light...

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 " My Heart Beats Faster Every Time..As The Blood Comes Rushing In, The Blood Comes Rushing In.. All The Time It Hurts To Fight, But Against The Coast I'm Glistening, The Chill Like Silk Against My Skin, I Breathe you In and I'm Home Again " Bartimeu // Yohan Shorts - Currently available at Mainly Event . Yohan shorts compatiable with Gianni / Legacy / Jake. Autohide and 3 pattern color change from HUD. RAWR! // Bounty Rings - Available at TMD Event . Rigged for: Legacy Male, Gianni, Jake and Kario.. Full color change HUD. Hide/show features. ::TOKI:: // Anti Cross ::lel Evo X BOM:: - BOM layers and only for Lel EVO X. Comes with 2 version of layers Dark/Light for your desirable look. Elite Paris // Shopping Bags - are the latest release from EliteParis, Just like other product, All of their products are in limited edition.           


 " Tis no kindness in my eyes, fleeting emotions of grandeur leave my body always feels broken after i feel alive.. who's that stranger looking back at me??. The reflection in the mirror lies " AsteroidBox. // Orther Outfit - Outfit is available at Necrotize Event . You will have 10 color / pattern options. Fitted for Maitreya Lara – Maitreya Petite – Maitreya Flat – Belleza Freya – Legacy Female – Legacy Perky - Belleza Jake – Legacy Male. Single packs include clean and damaged optoins for the left and right legs, plus for the leg bags. They also come with options for the shirt, belts and boots, with clean and damaged options for the shirt and boots Fatpack includes all color / pattern options, with the option to change each part individually, allowing for huge customization options for the outfit Each purchase also inclues an optional Bakes-on-Mesh appliers for the back “infection” design which works with all the body options Also comes with an option to hide / show th...