
" Nothing looks weird to me, Of course, It's mad to the sane, But that's what you may see, A cat, a mouse, four claws then squeaks, You will never ever be found, Don't think I pursued you, My dear... I can't summon any demons, You did, however, summon me, Your act will be judged as treason.... " Guilty // Kink Pants Luxury - Currently available at MANCAVE event. High quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Belleza Jake, Signature and Legacy! 12 pants colors, 6 belt colors, 3 buckle/chain/stud/button colors! Guilty // Kink Top Luxury - Currently available at ManHood Event. High quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Legacy. 10 tanktop and shoulder colors, 3 metal colors! Tanktop and shoulders separate. [-] NANAO // Tardfish. Maleficient Wings (Animesh) - These amazing WINGS are ( ANIMESH ) but you have the power to make them static too! They are animesh and rigged to your bodies. Available in 7 different...