
Showing posts from January, 2025

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 " Not everyone from this younger generation generally stands up or fights, maybe because we're all isolated and have similar minds. But unable to read. For we've never learned. " Vezzo Ink Tattoo  // Hawaiian - Can be purchased at MANCAVE event. 2 Design Options - Full Body/Short 4 opacity options 25%/50%/75%/100%. BOM only!! Compatible with: Lelutka EvoX, AK ADVX (AKERUKA ADVX), GA.EG BoMGenX, LOGO, CRYPTID heads. Belleza, Signature, Maitreya, Legacy, E-body Reborn, Legacy bodies. TREIZED  // Philip Pants - Currently Available at ALPHA event. ► 100% Original Mesh ► HUD control EXCLUSIVE TEXTURES in FATPACK. 20 colors + 3 color for buckle (ONLY IN FATPACK) ► Belt Included ► Fitted for Legacy (M / Athletic) Gianni - Belleza RAWR!  // Emperor Necklace - Currently Available at  ALPHA  Rigged for Legacy / Jake / Gianni / Kario. With purchase comes a change of colors to HUD. 06 pieces of set with 20 metal and 20 details GEMS colors. RAWR!  // Emp...


 " A mystery only time can find. Her heart was an eternal fire, unyielding to the fiercest storm, a beacon in my darkest seas, and a place I long to call home. "  [* P R O J E C T *]  // Moirai's Greatcoat - Available at Midnight Order event. It's in PBR-only content. Fitted for Legacy & Belleza. FP with HUD and 39 Colors.  RAKE  //  Facial Hair Brage  - Currently available at  Mainstore .  The Brage and Idunn hair bases each come in 10 tintable colors. Fatpacks and single-color packs are available. The Brage facial hair comes in 6 tintable tones. Fatpack and single-color packs are available. The Brage tattoo comes in left and right versions and fresh, faded, old variants. RAWR!  //  Crown Swallow Gauge XL Earrings  - Currently available at  Mainstore . 2-piece set with hide and show option. Color change HUD 13 color option. Compatible with Swallow Gauge XL Earrings only. 

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 " The inhale is deep and the smoke remains. My lungs are intoxicated and full of stains. Smoking hot or smoking cold. I don’t care for seasons. My cigarettes taste good all year round. " [Westalis]  // Cheng Pants - Can be purchased at the  Mainstore . Fitted for Gianni / Legacy M / Belleza Jake / Kario flat - flex - fit. 06 color HUD with 15 color fatpack option. 03 execlusive print. [Westalis]  // Sungho Sneakers - Can be purchased at the  Mainstore . Fitted for Gianni / Legacy M / Belleza Jake / Kario flat - flex - fit. 06 color HUD 04 bonus colors.. Guilty   // Marino Shirt Luxury - Currently available at ALPHA event. High quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Legacy, Belleza, Signature. 12 shirt colors, 4 button colors. RAKE  //  Ralph  - Introducing the RAKE -Ralph- Facial Hair, which is packed up. The fatpack offers 5 tintable tones. 4 select mini color packs available for single purchase. Can b...


 " Life and death work in a mysterious way. One cannot live without the decay of another, although one must start for one to end. The Alpha and Omega, the worlds amend. " TREIZED  // Killian Shirt   - Currently available at ALPHA event. 100% Original Mesh ► HUD control EXCLUSIVE TEXTURES in FATPACK. ► accessory included Add-on ► Fitted for Legacy (M / Athletic) TREIZED  // Leonard Trousers - Currently available at Mainstore . 100% Original Mesh -HUD with 12 colors for trousers,Metals -2 for skull & 6 for buttons. -Fitted for Legacy M & Ath, soon will be uptdated for others bodies. RAWR!  // Committed Necklace - Currently available at  Mainstore . 05 -piece necklace set hide and show. 20 metals feature color options. Rigged for Legacy - Kario - Gianni - Jake.  RAWR!  // Committed Bracelets - Currently available at  Mainstore . Rigged for Legacy / Jake / Gianni / Kario. With purchase comes to HUD for a change of color...