
We are close... With me running my hands through your hair, Or with our hands interlocked as we take long walks at night, Or our long hugs that makes us feel safe. Where our minds are one and our thoughts are same, Our heartbeats are synced as an orchestra, My weakness is your strength and yours is mine, And I can't hide my pain and sorrow because you see right through me. "

[777] WOMBI - Currenlty can be puschased at Summer Camp Event. The car also comes with a passenger seat if you have a friend coming over! (Can be turned on/off at Options) More Features included: Flight (yes!), Burnout, Horn, Turbo Mode! Further setting can be found on Options, include Skid, Gravity, Camera settings, Exhaust, Star Park, Sound sets, Glow, Resize, Rename, etc. Supported with Camera HUD (easy fix your camera position, giving stable, smooth and sporty driving experience). 

[ GUILTY ] 060 Roma OutFit - Excluslive for Access Event. Legacy / Jake / Gianni fit with 6 single color and 6 special color for fatpack.

Rose & Thorn Poses Summer time fun - Lovely couple pose avaialble at MIIX Event. And ofcourse can be purchased at Mainstore as well ^^.

Clover - Purrsew - The Purrsew is a gentle and shy feline creature, often found in tall grass, chasing insects. It is highly intelligent, so it is capable of forming strong bonds with humanoids, if treated with kindness. It is a fully animesh, follower pet, and is guaranteed to make everyone around you want to squish its little face. It comes with animations for: Walking, running, turning, and standing. Included are 5 different eye textures, and body textures (Mixes of the following colors: Yellow, Mint, purple ,sky blue, orange).

So if you are running low on fuel, i suggest better get Elite Paris-Gas Pump !.. mhm, trust me you won't ever run low from fuel and what's best about it. EliteParis product's are limited editions !


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