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" The cage is invisible but my heart is barely visible.. Hidden behind so many bars that are practically invincible because every bar is made from a scar. I dont even know how many there are. It seems more like a prison everytime feelings have risen they couldnt get break out and who wants to break into a jail when every attempt seems to fail. I do believe one day you will find the key to this invisble cage but you better hurry it only gets stronger with age. "

cinphul // ravage II [jacket] & cinphul // ravage III [thong] [TWS 1st bday gift] - Jacket is  Rigged for Legacy M/F - Belleza Jake - Maitreya - Kupra, comes with HUD for metal and cabel textures. 50% off at The Warehouse Sale & grab thong as a gift for The Warehouse Sale birthday gift. 1 female and 2 masc sized included.

::TOKI:: Face Blood ::lel Evo x BOM:: - For EvoX BOM face blood comes with 3 version dark/light. 

::TOKI:: Tears Of Blood ::lel Evo x BOM:: - For EvoX BOM tears of blood comes with 3 verison Black/Light Red/ Dark Red.

[AYO] feat [Rezz Room] Caged Heart - Exclusively at UBER, Amazing Animesh accessory Beating heart, flowers and moving cage according to your avatar's movements when you run/walk. ►Customizable option with a hud 3 cage colors 3 heart colors 3 flower colors ►For edit: Click rigth on the cage and edit for fit on your wrist. 3 sizes: (S) small (M) Medium (L) Large Copy | No Mod | No transf.

DREAMCATCHER // Metal horns - These amazing horns comes in different style and seperate colors as well. Was ealier for GACHA but sold seperately in Mainstore

RAWR! Sumblime ELF EvoX Earrings - Rigged for: Lelutka EvoX. Male and female. Full color change HUD. 13 daul metal color options, Materials enabled & 100% original mesh !

RAWR! // Bullet Ring - Rigged for specially LEGACY male. Worn on middle Right/Left finger. Can we worn seperatly as well. HUD include 6 Metal & 6 Detail color option. Can be purchased at the Mainstore.

RAWR! // Obsidian Nails – Rigged for: Legacy Male, Legacy Female, Maitreya, Kupra, Lovebody / Lovemomma Full color change hud for metals and gems, Rings & Nails has 12 Metals & 12 Symbol color option.


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