" Success comes when you focus on the goal, And climb your way out of any and all holes. The thing is, though, we're all not in environments, Where we have the opportunity to climb. And that's why I'm suffocating, While I try to make this life mine. "

[LANEVO] // DAINTY EATER Mask - Currently available at NECROTIZE Event. The transparency and glow rate of the eyes can be changed (single pack/fatpack). 4 parts can be individually changed in 24 different colors (fatpack). (fatpack).It's the mask of a cannibalistic demon with a passion for food(human).

[ Guilty ] // 067 Skate - New release for ManCave Event. Top and pants set. High quality original mesh design. Fitted for Legacy, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni. 6 single colors, 6 luxury colors, 4 metal colors.

AsteroidBox. // Max Boots - The boots come as a fatpack only, with 16 color options included and doodle options for the side/back part of the boots, with 16 color options for the front, back and soles, plus 14 options for the laces and 5 metal detail colors. The large chains can be hidden or shown and also includes an unrigged version of the ankle chains which can be styled with other items and attached to other body parts.Maitreya Lara – Belleza Freya – Slink Female – Legacy Female Signature Gianni – Legacy Male – Belleza Jake Also includes an unrigged version.

[777] // FALKO - Currently available at MenOnlyMonthly Event. The car also comes with a passenger seat if you have a friend coming over! (Can be turned on/off at Options) More Features included: Flight (yes!), Burnout, Horn, Turbo Mode! Further setting can be found on Options, include Skid, Gravity, Camera settings, Exhaust, Star Park, Sound sets, Glow, Resize, Rename, etc.Supported with Camera HUD (easy fix your camera position, giving stable, smooth and sporty driving experience).

[AYO] // PupPyX - Collar come with/without OC option. Come with : 8 colors / Black / White / Pink / Red / Purple / Kaki / Brown / Blue - 3 metals.

[-] NANAO / Combat Bandage - (Female+Male Size) These combat bandage are unisex and available in 4 differents colors and are rigged for boys and girls. Rigged for : Male: - Gianni - Jake - Legacy M Female Rigg : - Maitreya + Petite - Legacy + Perky.

RAWR!  // Bullet Ring - Rigged for specially LEGACY male. Worn on middle Right/Left finger. Can we worn seperatly as well. HUD include 6 Metal & 6 Detail color option. Can be purchased at the Mainstore.


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