
 " I took advantage of the love you had because I needed to fill a void so bad. It’s true you knew how I felt for I wasn’t fooling anyone but I still feel guilty for everything I have done. But this time you will have to tell me goodbye. I will stop you from coming back and begging for more because I need you to move on and realize you don’t deserve this. "

::TOKI:: // Dripping Blood - 4 verison Of Dripping blood from nose, To tint the color Right Click and Choose Edit once worn, In here click the colorthe /tint box and proceed to choose the color you wish to tint it.

::TOKI:: // Love Scratches - 5 versions of layer tattoo, Plus love and hate under eyes tattoo. To tint the color Right Click and Choose Edit once worn, In here click the color/tint box and proceed to choose the color you wish to tint it.

DREAMCATCHER // Love Bites Hunt - Unisex, unrigged Rose - Gag with resizing HUD - 01-02 hunts. Blood roses torso for Legacy Male - 03-04 hunts. Start your hunt HERE!

cinphul // hypnos [chains set] - 02 one size chest chain and 2 rigged plus 2 unrigged M/F.  02 wrist cuffs with plus 02 earrings and feather charm included with purchase. HUD to change colors as desired. Available at Mainstore for purchase. 

REINVENT // Biker Jeans - These awesome jeans are the first release by REINVENT. Currently available at Mainstore. This product includes 2 sizes (ankles zone): norm & for boots. Compatible with: ✔ Belleza Jake ✔ Signature Gianni ✔ Legacy male (original & athletic).

RAWR! // Stupid Cupid ELF EvoX Earrings - Exclusively at faMESHed Rigged for Lelutka EvoX Male and female Full color change HUD Hide/show options.

La Plume // .collection Felix - This awesome male collection is must to have, A bundle of 7 male poses comes with stand HUD as well with the purchase. 


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