
 " You need to slake your thirst, Here are the elements of love: First, Bring your patience kind, Sense of humor springs to mind, Laugh together through the years, Sometimes there are days of tears, But Cupid ever strings his bow, Healing hands on his arrow, Yes, this is my love recipe "

ERSCH // Cupid Briefs - Available at Mainstore, 2 styles of briefs with or without the rose. Fitted for Legacy / Jake / KARIO. 

ERSCH // Cupid Cloth - Available at Mainstore, 2 styles of cloth Sheer & non-sheer style. Fitted for Legacy / Jake / KARIO. 

ERSCH // Lavr Headband&Choker - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. Accessories are unrigged and easier to make fit according to your body type.

ERSCH // Amoure bracelets - Available at Mainstore, comes with HUD to change colors of flower and cloth. Fitted for Legacy / Jake / KARIO. 

ERSCH // Cupid Armbands - Available at Mainstore, comes with HUD to change colors of arrows and armbands. Fitted for Legacy / Jake / KARIO. 

LaPlume // .collection Malone - Bundle of poses, On purchase, you have 7 male poses plus stand HUD. Poses can be purchased at the Mainstore.

::TOKI:: // Love Scratches - 5 versions of layer tattoo, Plus love and hate under eyes tattoo. To tint the color Right Click and Choose Edit once worn, In here click the color/tint box and proceed to choose the color you wish to tint it.

RAWR! // Stupid Cupid ELF EvoX Earrings - Exclusively at faMESHed Rigged for Lelutka EvoX Male and female Full color change HUD Hide/show options.


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