Șτરίκε ßλȻκ

 " Don't blame me for your ignorance, look further than your lack of enthusiasm. Read not only the book of ignorant followers, We know where the thunder roars, We know where the lightning strikes. Never in the same place unless you're unlucky "

ERSCH // Vamy Sleeves male - Available at Cyber Fair Event. Compatible with ♥Legacy ♥Belleza Jake ♥Kario Fit Each pack has optional belt. Fatpacks are modify.

Normandy // Ziqi.EarRings - Can be Purchased at Mainstore. 7 metals colors with 2 animated plus one solid neon. Include HUD for Tint/Glow option.

[LANEVO] // Freeza Mask - Available at Cyber Fair Event. A gag with the seven deadly sins written in Japanese kanji is fastened to the mouth of the mask, and the potential power of the evil emperor is sealed by the gag. Such is the design of the setting. (傲慢 =pride,強欲 = greed,嫉妬 envy,憤怒=wrath,色欲=lust,暴食=gluttony,怠惰=sloth). On the right cheek of the mask is written "冷酷無比" in Japanese kanji. (冷酷無比=stone-cold). The fatpack version allows you to change the color of 8 parts. and Possible to change the glow of the electric lights on the electronic base and the transparency of the glass. >Modifiable (fatpack version)

ERSCH // Jais top - Available at Men Only Monthly. Compatible with ♥Legacy ♥Belleza Jake ♥Kario Fit Each pack has optional belt. Fatpacks are modify.

REKT // Asia Hat - This awesome Hat can be purchased from the Mainstore. Fatpack comes with HUD. Daul color changes and the hanging strips with different japanese words and designs !

Animosity - 143 Pose Pack - Another amazing pose pack from Animosity, Includes 04 male poses in the pack. I would say some action type poses as well. Brings up the imagination alive XD.


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