ħίɖɖεɴ Ȼλરɖ

 " I make rash moves, which were never planned Inevitably, I fail each test, To start over, again and again, So I'll keep my cards closey hidden, Hoping that this time, it won't be in vain. "

Animosity // 173 Pose Pack w/Props - New male pose pack with playing card prop. Prop comes with and without materials and already adjusted for each pose. out now for the TMD weekend sale. Buy now for 75L all weekend. Sale ends Monday.

RAWR! // Grounded Pixie S Earrings - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. Rigged for Legacy / Jake / Gianni / Kario. Available for Female bodies also and with purchase comes to HUD for change of colors.

' REINVENT // Shabby Tunic - Awesome T-shirt. Compatible with ✔ Belleza Jake ✔ Signature Gianni ✔ Legacy male (original & athletic). FATPACK includes all colors.


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