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  " Lobbying for change that he sees fit. A dream of jobs while he robs. He believes that this is a thrill as he kills. He's only a fake and his name may be VENI. VIDI. VICI. He can't change our ways that do make him sad. "

' REINVENT // Latin shirt - Available at MAN CAVE Event. Compatible with: ✔ Belleza Jake ✔ Signature Gianni ✔ Legacy male (original & athletic).

.collection // Igor - collection Igor By la Plume. Static poses for photographer includes  Mirror - HUD - stand pose. Available at The New One

RAWR! // Lunastra Pixie Earrings - Can be purchased at the Mainstore Weekend Special. Rigged for Legacy / Jake / Gianni / Kario. Available for Female bodies also and with purchase comes to HUD for change of colors.

[Guilty] // Mammamia - High-quality original mesh design pants. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Legacy, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni. 10 fabric colors, 5 belt colors, and 5 metal colors. Can be purchased at the Mainstore.

[AYO] // Yueliang - ► Choker comes in 3 leather colors and 3 metal. ►Open collar version included. COPY / Resizable / No Transfer. ( UNISEX ITEM.) ♀️♂️

[-]NANAO // Xix Glasses - These new awesome glasses ( UNISEX ) / No Rigged Mesh / Resize. One with a lense, and one without a lense. Included in the pack, is a HUD to change only the color of your metals. (8 different colors).


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