τΘΘκ ɱϓ ħελરτ

 " Over every part of my heart. Holding portions of heaven, in her cute little dimple. She knew she will win over me which was yes, simple. Teaching me, the meaning of life, The rays of her smile, took me grounded. The fiery feeling for her and, intense and limitless memories, which hold me surrounded, she took my heart. " 

[M E M E N T O] // VGO. CARDIGAN  - Currently Available at ALPHA Event. 8 Cardi option with fatpack and 8 shirt option with single pack. Fitted for Legacy Classic-Atheletic and Jake. 

[AYO] feat [Rezz Room] // Caged Heart - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. Amazing Animesh accessory Beating heart, flowers and moving cage according to your avatar's movements when you run/walk. ►Customizable option with a hud 3 cage colors 3 heart colors 3 flower colors ►For edit: Click rigth on the cage and edit for fit on your wrist. 3 sizes: (S) small (M) Medium (L) Large Copy | No Mod | No transfer.

RAWR! // Bounty Rings - Rigged for: Legacy Male, Gianni, Jake, and Kario. Full-color changes HUD. Hide/show features.

[-] N A N A O // My Leather Choker - Available at Maintstore. Choker are available with Open Collar Option and Without. 8 different metals texture, but only available in Black leather.  ( Copy/Mod Options) Available. 

.collection // Igor - collection Igor By la Plume. Static poses for photographer includes  Mirror - HUD - stand pose. Available at Mainstore.


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