" I revolved around you like crazy.  Bringing you waves and a beautiful thing in your sky. But you didn't like my waves Or the way I looked in your sky So I drifted away.  I didn't have to revolve around you.  I chose you. And I can take it away. I can no longer trust my heart you have led me astray too often. So I’ll be here where I lie Heartless and thoughtless, Maybe I’ll be perfect now. "

Amadeus // Theodore male sleeves - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. These sleeves and now it's updated for Anatomy male body. Hud includes 7 textures and transparently options. Bodies: Anatomy Male, Legacy (Regular, Athletic), Belleza Jake.

Vezzo Ink Tattoo // Ronta - 2 Tattoo versions (Female + Male) 3 opacity BOM options 50%/75%/100% compatible with: Lelutka EvoX, AK ADVX (AKERUKA ADVX), GA.EG BoMGenX, LOGO, CRYPTID heads. Belleza, Gen.X, Signature, Maitreya, Ebody Reborn, Legacy bodies. Available in Mainstore.

[M E M E N T O] // FVTE Rings - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. 3 metal option, comes fitted for Legacy M & F / Belleza Jake  / Maitreya / Kupra / Reborn. UNISEX rings.

[X] // 4AEM Pants - Available to be purchased at the Mainstore. Comes fitted for MALE BODIES: Legacy, Gianni, Davis, Jake ▷ Fatpack texture ▷ Demo available ▶ IMPORTANT: Only the Fatpack is modifiable ▶ Original Mesh.

!Reliquary! // The LodeStone Heart - Available at Mainstore for purchase. Unrigged Mesh accessory, Scripted dialog for ease use. Togglable glowing heartbeat, Bento animated hold and toss. HUD includes 7 Gems colors & 4 Metals colors.


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