" Every night it's the Same, the sanity of reason never seems to be In anyone's brain...the full moon comes I hear The wolfman call, this seems like a normal night In fall, but then I can tell you it's just filled With witches calls. They cook their roasts and cast Bolts and hail, and I can hear them chant while I'm On the speeding city Light Rail. "

Guilty // Diablo Luxury - Currently available at ACCESS event. High-quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario (both Fit and Flex versions), Legacy, Belleza Jake, and Signature Gianni. 12 fatpack colors, 2 rope colors. Rope and back knife on/off!

+ARANA+ // Toxic Tattoo BOM + 3D Materials Shines - Currently available at HALLOW MANOR Event. BOM: -Black in 4 opacity options (Evox +SLUV (Genus)) -Tintable Layer (Evox +SLUV (Genus)) Shine appliers for: -Legacy Bodies -Maitreya Body -eBODY Reborn -Belleza GenX -Inithium Kupra & Khara -Lelutka EvoX Heads -Genus heads (regular)

Amadeus // Cross leggings BOM Unisex - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. Includes 15 colors unisex, BOM leggings. Use the "color key" image to find your desired color. 

+ARANA+ // Sanguis Tattoo & Makeup -  Currently available at The Dark Style Fair Event, Make tattoo with BOM + 3D shine. Face and Neck tattoos can be added on separately. 

RAWR! // Apollo Bracelets - Can be purchased at the Mainstore.. 14 pieces set, 13 metal, and 13 detail color options. Rigged for Legacy / Kario / Gianni / Jake. Full-color change HUD. Hide/show features.

RAWR! // Skull Swallow Gauge XL Earrings - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. 2-piece set with hide and show option. Color change HUD 13 color option. Compatible with Swallow Gauge XL Earrings only. 

[-] NANAO // Melty Horns - Melty Horns are UNISEX! Fit all Mesh heads ( Girls and Boys!) 8 different colors available. These horns are Copy+Modify, you can wear them and modify them as you wish. Colors available:- Black Degraded Black - Black Degraded White - Black Degraded Candy - Black Degraded Fushia - Black Degraded Purple - Black Degraded Gold - Black Degraded Green - Black Degraded Red.


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