" I avoid looking into someone else's eyes, For fear they might see beyond my fake smiles. If only they could see, Eyes where fullness and emptiness collide, Where innocence and Devils overlap, fears and screams connect, and Where dreams and love are crushed away. Will they care to look again..?? I'll hold on to all the innocence I can, I'll hold on to all the hope I have... But I fear the devil lurking inside of me will destroy anything in its path. " 

+ARANA+ // Toxic Tattoo BOM + 3D Materials Shines - Currently available at HALLOW MANOR Event. BOM: -Black in 4 opacity options (Evox +SLUV (Genus)) -Tintable Layer (Evox +SLUV (Genus)) Shine appliers for: -Legacy Bodies -Maitreya Body -eBODY Reborn -Belleza GenX -Inithium Kupra & Khara -Lelutka EvoX Heads -Genus heads (regular).

REKT // Morgana's & Crow's Wings - These amazing detailed are wings come in 2 styles Morgana & Crow, Wings are bento animated. Available to be purchased at Mainstore.

RAWR! // Draco PIXIE S Swallow Earrings - Available to be purchased at Mainstore. Rigged for Legacy / Jake / Gianni / Kario. Available for Female bodies also and with purchase comes to HUD for change of colors.

[-] NANAO // Elfy Jewelry – You can find 2 sets for this jewelry collection, one set with dark colors, and another set with pastel colors. (UNISEX) Look good on male avi too, why always girls? :> Mesh is copy / modify. You can set at your convenience. It is very pretty worn on ears (no animesh) but elves, and on human ears!.

[M E M E N T O] // FVTE Rings - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. 3 metal option, comes fitted for Legacy M & F / Belleza Jake  / Maitreya / Kupra / Reborn. UNISEX rings.


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