
 " The breeze whispers in my ear, Telling me stories of distant lands. The stars begin to appear, Twinkling like diamonds on a velvet cloth. I close my eyes and breathe deeply, Feeling the peace and beauty of this moment. I wish I could stay here forever, But I know this is only a wish "

Guilty // Orlando Luxury - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. High quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario (both Fit and Flex versions), Legacy, Belleza! 8 shirt colors, 5 sleeve colors, 6 fur colors, 3 metaln colors!

Guilty // Erik Pants Luxury - Currently available at ALPHA event. High quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Legacy, Belleza Jake, Signature. 10 pants colors, 4 metals, 4 leather colors!

RAWR! // Crown Swallow Gauge XL Earrings - Currently available at Mainstore. 2-piece set with hide and show option. Color change HUD 13 color option. Compatible with Swallow Gauge XL Earrings only.


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