TREIZED // Edward - Can be pruchased at the Mainstore. Includes: Coat, Shirt, pants & belt. Hud - 42 textures, Fitted for Legacy.

RAWR! // Player 1 and Player 2 Rings - Can be purchased at Mainstore. Rigged rings. Full color change HUD with 13 metal and 13 detail colors. Hide/show features.

[-]NANAO // Xix Glasses - These new awesome glasses ( UNISEX ) / No Rigged Mesh / Resize. One with lense, and one without lense. Included in the pack, a HUD to change only the color of your metals. (8 different colors).

RAWR! // Screw Swallow Gauge XL Earrings - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. 2-piece set with hide and show option. Color change HUD 13 color option. Compatible with Swallow Gauge XL Earrings only.


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