
 " Despair fades from eyes now clear blue like the sky and the rain washes away anger like dust from your kissed skin. We blossom into light petals of ultra green and hyper white and dance as the joyous breeze allows." 

B R E A K // LOVE SET - This can be purchased at the Mainstore. A couple poses set of 5 for a photographer. And comes with HUD. 

RAKE // Facial Hair Brage - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. The Brage and Idunn hairbases each come in 10 tintable colors. Fatpacks and single color packs available. The Brage facial hair comes in 6 tintable tones. Fatpack and single color packs available. The Brage tattoo comes in left and right versions, and in fresh, faded and old variants.

[AYO] // Bizhang - Amazing arm leather comes with HUD for color changes to the likes, Compatible with Jake - Legacy - Legacy/ATHELETIC. Can be purchased at the Mainstore.


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