" Tomorrow may be crowned with honey and goodness, You dive into a world full of lies. Be careful with sweet mouths and prejudices. Life is like a dice, There are always lots of choices. You should think twice. 

Guilty // Tyson OUTFIT - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. High quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Belleza Jake, Signature and Legacy! 12 top and short colors, 4 lace colors, 2 bulge size!

Vezzo Ink Tattoo // Amphisbaena - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. FATPACK of 4 design Versions, with and without beads!! 3 opacity options - 50%/75%/100% BOM ONLY!!! Compatible with: Lelutka EvoX, AK ADVX (AKERUKA ADVX), GA.EG BoMGenX, LOGO, CRYPTID heads. Belleza, Signature, Maitreya, Ebody Reborn, Legacy bodies.

RAWR! // Skull Swallow Gauge XL Earrings - Can be purchased at the Mainstore. 2-piece set with hide and show option. Color change HUD 13 color option. Compatible with Swallow Gauge XL Earrings only.


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