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 " Check for that heartbeat sign. The steady rhythm helps determine if you’ve still got time. But it’s the pulse that you can’t find. Nothing but the blood rush beat behind an aching mind. "

Guilty // Play or Die Luxury - Currently available at ACCESS event. High quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Legacy, Signature, Belleza. 10 shirt colors, 4 holes colors, 5 barbed wire colors.

[AYO] // Requiem Beanie - Currently available at ANTHEM event. UNISEX Unrigged Beanie Copy| Resize| No transfer ✧ 10 colors 4 metals Black| Grey| Brownie| Camel| White| Red| Pink| Lilac| Blue| Green ✧ONLY Fatpack: ✧ 2 back leather clip colors Brown/Black

[-] NANAO // Human Tongue - Currently available at TMD event. This Human Tongue is actually an ANIMESH, but inside the tongue you can found a menu to animate it or not or to put 5 different static pose. You can foud also 2different type of tongue, they bot have piercing, one with balls, and one with heart. On each pack you an found too the tongue without piercing, + a BASE HUD with 3 type of skin for the tongue. If you want to get some extra skin/custom for your tongue you can purchase 4 diff HUD, all sold separately.

RAKE // Facial Hair Brage - Currently available at Mainstore. The Brage and Idunn hair bases each come in 10 tintable colors. Fatpacks and single-color packs are available. The Brage facial hair comes in 6 tintable tones. Fatpack and single-color packs are available. The Brage tattoo comes in left and right versions and fresh, faded, old variants.

RAWR! // 2Chainz Bracelets - Currently available at Mainstore. Rigged for Legacy / Jake / Gianni / Kario. With purchase comes to HUD for a change of colors. 04 pieces of set with 13 metal and 13 details colors. 


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