" Alone with the hours of homework, And alone to face the housework we had built. I see it crumble down before my very eyes, as I fumble even to close the windows to my soul, as sleep is for the weak, and I have too many bleak thoughts. There are far too many to ever be able to dive deep into this menacing society. "

Guilty // Frank Set Luxury - Can be purchased at the Man Cave Event. High-quality original mesh design. Fitted for [Inithium] Kario, Belleza Jake, Signature and Legacy! 12 colors, 6 colors for nbuttons!

RAWR! // Crown Swallow Gauge XL Earrings - Currently available at Mainstore. 2-piece set with hide and show option. Color change HUD 13 color option. Compatible with Swallow Gauge XL Earrings only.

RAWR! // 2Chainz Bracelets - Currently available at Mainstore. Rigged for Legacy / Jake / Gianni / Kario. With purchase comes to HUD for a change of colors. 04 pieces of set with 13 metal and 13 details colors. 

RAKE // Ralph - Introducing the RAKE -Ralph- Facial Hair, which is packed up. The fatpack offers 5 tintable tones. 4 select mini color packs available for single purchase. Can be purchased at the Mainstore


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